YOSEMITE OSX Apple Special Event - WWDC14

Apples WWDC 2014, Most Highlighted event in all over the world, All tech geeks looks FWD what's new with Apple OSX and IOS.  Apple Got 9 Billion Registered Developer and 13 years is the youngest developer. This time Apple looks FWD upgrade the OSX and the new OSX name called Yosemite, with last OSX Launch Mavricks 40Million users upgraded their OS. So now this time looking FWD to Do more Changes with OSX. The Apple Mac Design team worked with cutting edge flat design, that's made more easy to more in valve with their works. Now apple all icons are flat and very smooth to the eyes. For Pro User Apple team worked with dark notification and other default panels so that makes users to focus with their work. The Finder helps the users to search and find the apps and files.  With the finder with can check the dollar rates also. Now Mac gives more priority and user-friendly design. One special thing with Mac Now users can answer their calls with iMac and Mac Books with speacker mode. Now Users can reply their sms with iMac and Mac Book. If we are looking for a person's information the new finder to search and give all the information. Cloud Drive  other super function apps with Mac, this time Mac syncs the all the files with Drive so we can share the files upto 5GB very easily. Safari Browser also now upgraded with the new look and features we can view our tabs in bird view, quick share button makes users easier and faster to  browse the net. Mail App when using we feel the new look with that all the attachments automatically saving in  the cloud and send the link with the mail so less load form the mail server and its more secure also.



Yosemite OSX osx_design_notification_today osx_design_view_calendar osx_design_view_finder osx_design_view_reminders osx_design_view_facetime osx_design_view_messages osx_design_view_mail osx_design_view_maps osx_design_view_safari osx_design_font osx_design_dock osx_design_toolbars osx_design_controls osx_design_translucent Yosemite OSXmac_and_ios_smsmac_and_ios_mac_phone


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